Our Team!

Posted at 10:55 am on 11/08/2013
Kelly Pinkas,  Kyo Sa Nim

While signing up her son, Ian, she was asked the now infamous question, “What about you?”  Deciding to “give it a try”, Kelly never dreamed that six years later she’d be a Second Degree, Certified Instructor, Black Belt!    Kelly is a primary instructor for the Little Eagles program, as well as teaching the “regular” classes.   

Training and teaching Tang Soo Do has helped Kelly find both her passion and an amazing community of people.  “Helping students reach their goals and grow is inspiring!”

In her “other” life, Kelly lives in Westlake with her husband Gerard and son Ian.  Also living at the Pinkas house are 2 lizards, a snake, guinea pig, dog and fish!  By day, she works as a Project Manager for Modern Retail, a website development company.  She is also active in her community, volunteering at both her church and at Ian’s school. 

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