Can't Does Not Exist Here!

Posted at 9:07 pm on 11/06/2013 by Ginn Johnson

Every time I hear, "I can't", the above is how I feel. It's what I tell my clients.

You don't get anywhere by saying "can't."  That's become my mantra.  A lot has changed, which caused the development of this mantra.  5 years ago I was more than 100 pound overweight.  I believed wholeheartedly that I'd never be anything else.  I was content to be obese, be uncomfortable, be unhealthy.  I didn't take pride in anything I did, nor did I take pride in anything I had.  It was sad.  *I* was sad.  

I can't tell you exactly where everything changed.  It was a combination of things.  My mother in law's health was failing. I was a borderline diabetic. I was depressed.  I hated myself and I hated life.  I couldn't even play with my kids. I couldn't keep up with them so I stopped trying.  Eventually, I started questioning everything.  Why would my husband even want me? He could probably find a better wife and mother to his children.  Why am I even here?  I think it was then, at that point when I hit rock bottom, that something clicked and I decided to climb my way out.  It was do or die!  

I and did!  It started out as small changes.  Walking and cutting down my enormous portions were the first steps. Really, it's a simple solution - move more and eat less. I started to notice little changes.  My clothes were getting looser and I started feeling better.  I had more energy.  I was more positive.  I was really enjoying these great improvement so I kept going.  Here and there, along the way, I'd get discouraged.  Progress would slow, or stop altogether, and I would feel like giving up.  But again, that determined part of my psyche would slap me and say, "No!  Look what you've already done!  Don't give up now!" and I'd push forward.  I had to look up A LOT of information to figure out how to do things right.  It was worth it though, because it paid off.  

Today, I'm more than 100 pounds lighter, I run marathons, I'm an athlete and a personal trainer. But if you had told me 5 years ago that I'd be all these things, I'd have laughed and asked if you were gonna eat that. Today,  I help OTHER people get fit and healthy.  It is the most rewarding thing I can think of doing with my time.  That's why I started Mission: Fitness and that's why I'm training you. Just remember this on your journey.... you don't get anywhere by saying, "can't."

And just so you can SEE... here are some photos to prove I made the journey...

August 2006 at juuuuust over 250

October 2012 at 142

Trust me.  Don't say, "can't".

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